About Us

The team behind Genatec built CyberHunt because they see clients getting hit by cyber-attacks from all possible points. They had to do something about it.

How it works?

No Installs

CyberHunt sends variations of simulated phishing emails and other cyber-attacks to users over several months.

Security Scores

Each month, you receive a security score to know who is keeping you safe and who is exposing your company to a potential breach.

Mitigated Costs

You receive an accurate estimate of the cost of intrusions.

Ongoing Recommendations

Last, you receive recommendations to protect yourself and others.

We're helping companies embrace security.

We can identify your vulnerabilities and strengthen your security capabilities through educational consultations and simulations. We've helped hundreds of users and companies build cyber resilience, and we're here to help you.

Why is cybersecurity important?

On average, companies take 197 days to identify a threat, then another 69 days to contain it, potentially losing millions of dollars in the meantime. Don't wait to act until it's already too late – prevent the breach altogether. We go above and beyond to expose and mitigate threats for our customers; you can put safeguards in place before jeopardizing your business.

If you believe your business is vulnerable, schedule a demo.

We're here to help.